The following list are users that have been blacklisted by me, for personal, legal, or financial reasons. They are under no circumstances allowed to contact me, nor to own any of my designs or commission me, and the intent of this list is to forewarn other users of their behavior. If you are found associating with me on behalf of any of these users, you will be added to the list. Stay safe out there.If you blocked me or are blocked by me on any platform and are not listed here, please assume yourself blacklisted and do not contact me for any reason.
(DeviantArt, YouTube, Buzzly)
Other aliases: SkyOfTheSkeld (ArtFight), SkyVengeance (Discord), Skylasha32 (Instagram, Twitter).Harassment through unauthorized contact of myself and associated parties, stalking, intimidation, coercion, bribing and blackmail, copyfraud (wrongfully claiming copyright), defamation and revealing of personal information online.Due to the severity of their offences, this user has no chance of appeal with me and will be permanently listed on this blacklist, no matter whether a satisfactory resolution is achieved.Do not contact me on behalf of this user: This will get you blacklisted with extreme prejudice and no chance of appeal.
Known direct collaborator of Skylasha: contributed to their "callout" document.This user has no chance of appeal with me and will be permanently listed on this blacklist.
Do not contact me on behalf of this user: This will get you blacklisted with extreme prejudice and no chance of appeal.
(DeviantArt, YouTube, Buzzly, Twitter, ArtFight, Instagram)Known associate of Skylasha and collaborator of harassment, threats, and abuse.This user has no chance of appeal with me and will be permanently listed on this blacklist.Do not contact me on behalf of this user: This will get you blacklisted with extreme prejudice and no chance of appeal.
(DeviantArt, YouTube, Buzzly, Twitter, ArtFight, Instagram)Known associate of Skylasha and collaborator of harassment, threats, and abuse.This user has no chance of appeal with me and will be permanently listed on this blacklist.Do not contact me on behalf of this user: This will get you blacklisted with extreme prejudice and no chance of appeal.
(Discord, Buzzly, ArtFight)Known associate of Skylasha, interacted on behalf of Skylasha with threats.This user has no chance of appeal with me and will be permanently listed on this blacklist.Do not contact me on behalf of this user: This will get you blacklisted with extreme prejudice and no chance of appeal.
(Toyhouse)Known associate of Skylasha, interacted on behalf of Skylasha under the false pretense of buying a design.This user has no chance of appeal with me and will be permanently listed on this blacklist.Do not contact me on behalf of this user: This will get you blacklisted with extreme prejudice and no chance of appeal.
(Toyhouse)Known associate of Skylasha, interacted on behalf of Skylasha.This user has no chance of appeal with me and will be permanently listed on this blacklist.Do not contact me on behalf of this user: This will get you blacklisted with extreme prejudice and no chance of appeal.
(Discord, ArtFight, Toyhouse)History of harassment and stalking resulting in multiple other blacklist entries.This user has no chance of appeal with me and will be permanently listed on this blacklist.Do not contact me on behalf of this user: This will get you blacklisted with prejudice and no chance of appeal.
(Toyhouse)Ghosting and failure to comply with a polite request to update watermarking settings.This ban is appealable by emailing me at [email protected].